My 10 Favorite Nude Lipsticks for Dark Skin Tones – Mented Cosmetics

My 10 Favorite Nude Lipsticks for Dark Skin Tones

My 10 Favorite Nude Lipsticks for Dark Skin Tones

My 10 Favorite Nude Lipsticks for Dark Skin Tones

1. Mented Cosmetics Nude Lipstick in Mented #5

Now, this color is, hands down, my favorite nude lipstick of all time. I mean, look at it. It can be worn with a liner or alone, has a complex shade that is a mix of pink, purple, grey and brown, and it has just the perfect “my lips but better” look. It's so perfect. It wears well, looks amazing topped with glosses and is the answer to all my nude lipstick prayers. I can and do wear it without liner and it makes me so happy. When I have it on, my edges are fuller, my credit score goes up 20 points, my skin is exfoliated and my kitchen countertops clean themselves. Just… Yes. I dare you to say anything bad about it — fight me.

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