Voices: Mented x TexturedTalk – Mented Cosmetics

Voices: Mented x TexturedTalk

Voices: Mented x TexturedTalk

TexturedTalk founder, Charlene Walton, sat down with Mented Cosmetics to discuss natural beauty. Mented and TexturedTalk both share a passion for women of color embracing and celebrating their own beauty. See the entire interview below.

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Q: What is the ethos of TexturedTalk?

A: In the most simple terms, natural hair in all forms, textures, lengths and curl patterns are beautiful. My goal in creating Textured Talk was to have a space for educational conversations about hair care so women can feel more confident while rocking their natural curls. What I’ve found is that women are craving education. And though it may seem like everyone is now on the band-wagon 85% of my site traffic comes from people who have never visited my my blog before. So everyday women are still googling and searching for the answers to their most pressing natural hair care questions. With so many blogs, tutorials and products on the market I wanted a place that combined everything as a one-stop-shop for women. With Textured Talk you get the best of all three worlds.

Q: How important is it that you build a community and conversation about natural hair care?

A: It’s extremely important. Everything starts with a conversation. If we continue the conversation about naturally curly hair hopefully it will become the new norm. But honestly, I know there’s still long way to go. Employers are still able to discriminate candidates based on hair choice so we’re far from natural hair, whether curly or locs, being the norm. The conversations through blogs, hair tutorials, etc serve as the catalyst to make women and little girls know their beauty matters. There’s something powerful about seeing other everyday women - not movie stars - but regular women embrace their hair. This rubs off on other women and inspires them to try new things. What blows my mind the most from the explosion of the natural hair over the past few years is there is now a new generation of young women growing up and all they will know is natural hair. Moms now are extremely more educated about healthy hair care than our moms were (depending on your family). I know personally, all my mom knew about was a pressing comb and a relaxer. The idea of wearing our natural hair was never even a discussion.

Q: How do you encourage women to celebrate their natural beauty

A: Although I'm a blogger and we love for people to follow us and take our advice, it saddens me when women are obsessed with “good hair”. Don't envy the girl with perfect curls but more importantly, follow women with hair that more closely resembles your texture. Natural hair can be very scary but my advice is to master one style at a time. Once you are comfortable with that hairstyle you can make it your own and put your own spin on things. I feel the same way about make up. Master one thing at a time and make it your own so you feel comfortable in your own skin.

Q: We all love a good beat face, but what are your go to products for a natural beauty look?

A: I always joke that since I have conquered hair I’m obsessed with makeup now but it’s true! For a great no-makeup look but with a little coverage I’m love with the NARS Tinted Moisturizer. My boyfriend hates when I really pile it on so this gives me the soft natural look. If you want more coverage to camouflage trouble spots Becca’s Ultimate Complexion Coverage NEVER lets me down. It took me a while to find my color but now me and Tobacco are seriously BFFs. I’ve never found a more perfect liquid foundation that matches my skin perfectly! I also I literally can’t stop using the L'oreal Telescopic Mascara. It’s so underrated and overlooked. I love a good set of false lashes, but who has time for that everyday right? And last but not least, your face isn’t truly beat without a good set of brows. The Anastasia Brow Wiz pencil gets me right every time! Quick and to the point for a natural brow that doesn’t look too drawn on and crazy.

Q: How important is a staple nude lipstick?

A: If you know me you know I love a good bold berry lip color; however, I’ve been really digging nudes lately. A staple nude lipstick is everything. So far, Nude LaLa is my favorite from the Mented line. It gives me just enough subtle color without being too distracting.  It’s perfect to go from the office, a quick lunch meeting with the girls and then of course a date with your boo.  Also with nudes you don’t have to worry about the awkward half-on/half-off look after eating or drinking because it just blends right into your natural lips. So important, especially in a professional setting.
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